This week I introduced my book at a Green Economy conference in Baltimore, Maryland. The very next day, I had the pleasure of presenting to my very first group of students in the nation, the students at Ellen Glasgow Middle School in Alexandria, Virginia.
Mr. Leonard, a retired fellow military aviator turned science teacher, arranged for me to visit. He heard about me and my book from Ms. Angela De Jesus, mother to a Glasgow student. Having heard me speak at the John Hopkins Carey Business School in the fall, Angela asked me to visit during the book’s East Coast debut.
“The stories of the innovators profiled in Latinnovating are of higher education, of innovation and of courage,” De Jesus said. “I asked Graciela to come to our school to give our students a larger vision of what’s possible in their lives. As she shares the journeys and accomplishments of these role models innovating in our emerging green economy, I know our students will feel motivated to follow in these successful footsteps. They’ll see what success looks like in the long-term.”
I signed books for the hand-picked group of kids that attended. It was a most satisfying day for me as an author. I am making my dream happen. I am getting my work, showcasing childhood-to-entrepreneurship stories, into the hands of those whose lives it will directly impact.
How do I know this? I received a Facebook message later that night, from the older sister of one of the students who received my book. In part she wrote, “My little sister came home with your book. I wish I had been there.”
Thank you Angela. Thank you Mr. Leonard!
Will your school be next? Contact me at (510) 542-9449 or grace AT Latinnovating DOT com and let’s get it on the schedule.
Graciela, the kids are still talking about your visit. One student went home with her book and made her Mom sit down to look at it with her as soon as she walked in the door. We really appreciate the time you took to meet and talk to our students. My only regret is that we couldn’t get you to everyone in the school.
Best wishes for the formal launch this week.