Grateful for friends with Radio Shows

I was recently privileged to be invited on two radio shows to discuss my entrepreneurial mindset and the creation of Latinnovating. Dr. Arlene Barro and Daniel Gutierrez (a.k.a. Motivator Dan), both published authors and entrepreneurs themselves, were kind enough to host me for conversation. You can hear those interview here:

BlogTalk Radio Show with Daniel Gutierrez, March 2nd, 2011

“Storyteller Stars from WIN Without Competing! Propelled by Passion”, BlogTalk Radio Show with Dr. Arlene Barro, February 23rd, 2011

Thank you Arlene. Thank you Dan! I look forward to someday returning the favor!

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Networking at a science competition with a 6 year-old business partner

Kotomi inspects anatomy of human eye

Kotomi studies the human brain

I was invited to attend San Jose State University’s Math, Engineering, Science Achievement Day last Saturday. With my six year-old daughter Kotomi at my side, we set out to spend a special “Mama and Kotomi day” enjoying the work of 700 middle to high school students in a science/engineering competition. She would enjoy the exhibits and models; I would have the opportunity to network with the (largely) Hispanic parents , students and teachers in attendance.

Taking my daughter made for a most memorable day. She happily approached people and offered to tell them “about my mommy’s new book,” while handing them a business card. She’s developing her own confidence, poise and ability to network and converse. She answered what questions she could and referred people to me when she needed additional help. Oh yeah, and she got to study large models of the human eye, the human brain, prosthetic arms, watch wind power turn into work-producing energy and then there were those cool mouse trap cars!

I was able to chat with parents who were enthused about the opportunity the MESA program offered their kids to really get into math and science to have FUN. My guide Victoria, a recent SJSU graduate, told me about sixth graders from east San Jose standing in front of local Silicon Valley engineers presenting  calculations, engineering diagrams and exuding pride over what they had built. I ran into MESA board member Mimi Hernandez and congratulated her on this fantastic program. There’s nothing quite like surrounding yourself with the energy and intellect of motivated kids thinking about math, science and engineering, especially when they’re putting it all out there in a competition in front of peers. That I was able to share that thrilling environment with my first-grade daughter was gravy.

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Reflections from Bobcat Country

touring the San Marcos campus

meeting the Hispanic Business Student Association; photo by Chandler Prude, TSU photographer

This week I was privileged to speak at the San Marcos campus of Texas State University for their Business Leadership Week. I gave a lecture titled Entrepreneurial Successes in the Green Economy: Role Models and Innovations from the Latino Community. This lecture was really my best attempt at a one-hour summary of my 21 months working on this book. It was a very challenging task and one I was happy to take on.

I have been so eager to share the most important lessons from my book with college students looking ahead and wondering where and how to apply their newly-acquired business skills. Here’s what I learned tonight:

• The personal stories of the leaders in my book matter…a lot. They make the accomplishments and innovations profiled even more amazing. When the dots are connected between the entrepreneur’s childhood, obstacles overcome, cultural influences to preserve and reuse and their current sustainable businesses intent on changing the status quo, their full experience can be best appreciated.

• Explaining the status quo quickly before introducing the innovation was absolutely necessary. How can you appreciate “clean tech”, “energy efficiency” and “energy storage” when you don’t understand the horrible inefficiencies and antiquated nature of today’s electrical grid? I’m so happy I included the industry primer in each chapter of the Latinnovating.

• The “cultural foundation + educational credentials = positioned to innovate and lead” formula I created is an excellent summary of these 10 stories.

• That this message encouraging students to become environmental entrepreneurs was unique and much needed. “I needed to hear these stories so I can follow these footsteps to success,” said one junior.

• When I asked who was raised by their families to conserve, preserve and reuse resources, very few of the students raised their hands. As a result, one of the students felt compelled to apologize to me directly after the lecture. He said, “I want to apologize on behalf of our student body for our obviously bad parenting. We were indeed not taught these values.” It was a sweet gesture that he felt he had to say this. If you’re wondering, most of the Latinos in the audience DID raise their hands. This exchange served to strengthen my point above. It made those that raised their hands see that they are indeed positioned to innovate and lead sustainable business practices. It made the other students stop and think.

Questions I was asked tonight:

  • How do you find these amazing people?
  • When was your entrepreneurial spark?
  • How do I bring green businesses to Latin American countries?
  • How will the downturn in the economy affect those growth projections for Hispanic-owned businesses?
  • How do I know if a business claiming to be green is really green?

I will answer these questions in the coming weeks. Thank you Brian, Arin, Janet, Federico, Dr. Smart and the entire staff of advisors who had a hand in making this a fantastic experience for me. I hope to return to San Marcos again soon and connect with more Bobcats on your beautiful campus.

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Last week marked a major milestone on this publishing journey when we produced cover letters and galleys to send to key book reviewers around the nation. The way it works is you research what each reviewer wants to receive, package the pitch with the advanced review copies of the book, send, then wait to see if your book is selected for review amongst the dozens of books they receive each day. So begins this next phase…as also begins my speaking phase this week. It’s an exciting time for sure! Cross fingers for Latinnovating to receive some reviews in the coming months…

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The Creative-Reuse-Play Connection to Adult Innovation: Are you Raising a Future Innovator?

It’s been several weeks since I turned in the final manuscript to my publisher. Latinnovating is quickly becoming a book in the hands of other creative people.  This has provided me the opportunity to reflect on the stories I’ve written and take meaning from them as a whole, to apply to my life and to share with students as I start my speaking engagements at colleges around the country.

Here’s the first question, that I’ll pose to those raising kids: are you raising your child to be a future innovator, a thinker and a creative problem solver like those I featured in my book? Do you provide raw materials and let them create whatever comes to mind? Do you give them old socks and see what new dolls clothes they can create with them? Like several of my interviewees did as children, can your kids make their own original toys using whatever materials are available? Do you do anything like what I did last weekend with my girls? We turned an old curtain into glamorous sundresses for their 18-inch dolls. I taught them more examples of creative reuse and they got to use their imaginations to see what beautiful things they could create with something that had served its first intended purpose. They gave the curtain a new life. Do you do these kinds of things with your children to lay the seeds for future innovation that will come from their minds? Or….do you instead provide electronic entertainment (the stationery or hand-held type) for your preschool or kindergartner that simply helps them just pass the time? Do those electronic activities teach them the critical thinking skills and encourage their creativity so that they grow up believing they can create something new out of nothing but their brains? In other words, are you raising a future innovator with a mind filled with curiosity and unlimited possibilities or are you not? It’s worth pondering…..

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Latinnovating, the Video Trailer

How do you summarize the vision, audience and objective of a love-driven book project that’s taken almost two years to complete? Make a video trailer of course! In just about a minute and a half, you’ll understand why I wrote this book, who I’m celebrating and what I’m communicating. And then you’ll want to pre-order your own copy or perhaps get one as a graduation gift for a high school or college student you love. Here it is, Latinnovating, the video trailer!

And a special shout-out to my creative video marketing partner, Ezra Barany of BaranyVideoMarketing for creating this with me.

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Want to be Present for the Book Launch at Stanford University?

Early bird registration for the May 14th 2011 Silicon Valley Latino Leadership Summit (SVLLS) has opened and runs through January 21st. I will present just after lunch and SVLLS visionary and founder Frank Carbajal has graciously scheduled a book browsing/signing session afterward. If you’re curious to see the lineup of speakers for the day, please visit the blog for the Summit. You’ll also see statements from those who attended the inaugural event last year. See you there!
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Birthing a Book, the Endorsement Phase

I received a lovely email yesterday from one of my interviewees in the upcoming book “Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them.”

“We are looking forward to many things in 2011 including the first look at your new baby. I can tell it truly is a labor of love for you.”

Yes, this process feels like a birth….something thrilling, exciting, creating a high degree of anticipation amongst many….not since having my third child have I been so completely consumed by the feeling that something new and wonderful is coming.

So today, we celebrate an important milestone: receiving the first endorsements. The first has come from the man whose phone call and the opportunity he offered to me ultimately led me to find the people in this book. You will have to wait to read the introduction to learn who he is – for now, I’m just grateful to be entering this exciting new stage as we await the birth of the baby….

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Thanks to the NSHMBA chapter in Washington D.C. for Hosting a Terrific Event

‘Latinos Shaping the Green Economy’ , the panel event coordinated by Mauricio Leyva, VP of Business Development for the Washington D.C. chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs, drew a full house at the John Hopkins University Carey Business School Tuesday night. I moderated a panel of five D.C.-area experts that included:

  • Sara Manzano-Diaz, Director, Women’s Bureau at the Department of Labor
  • Carlton Eley of the Environmental Protection Specialist at the EPA
  • Marta Layseca, M.Arch, Owner of EnviroHomeDesign LLC
  • Javier Vasquez, Manager of Collaboration and Unified Communications, Microsoft Corporation
  • Victor Baten, Sustainability Coordinator, Green the Capitol Initiative

The audience heard about specific industries where career opportunities abound, both from the panel and from the stories in the pages of Latinnovating. The audience was highly engaged and asked questions ranging from maintaining a competitive edge against China (and how to do it), public policy at the EPA and its impact on expanding renewable energy sources and asked for industry insight from the small business owner and the large global enterprise representatives.  As the author of this book about ten different industries led by entrepreneurs who are Latinos, I was able to share specific examples of the innovation that matters most to keep America competitive. I named names and companies featured in the book…the innovators who are contributing to this effort today.

We heard from DOL about the many workforce training programs available specifically geared at ensuring that women are equal participates in the green economy. We heard Victor speak about the very serious efforts taking place inside the U.S. Capitol to adopt sustainable business practices, eco-friendly products and very importantly to change long-established behaviors. Marta, the architect in the room, talked about how ARRA money is causing home owners to want to make modifications to their homes because the federal money will help them better afford equipment. But she stressed that without educating the homeowner about the need to change behaviors to conserve after the renovation, the potential good that was intended may not materialize.  The audience heard about the tremendous impact that Microsoft’s collaboration technologies have had on helping federal workers cut back on commuting–the specific example cited was the Patent and Trade office that now has employees commuting only one day a week–a huge reduction of that agencies carbon footprint. Carlton of the EPA fielded questions about the difficulties in building nuclear power plants in the U.S.

The panel began with each panelist answering the question: “What is the current state of the green economy?” and ended with each panelist giving the audience actionable steps to take to be better positioned for the green economy.

I must add a point I emphasized to the audience. Someone asked about how we will remain competitive against China when they’re already manufacturing solar panels. I pointed out that photovoltaic solar panels are NOT new technologies. After interviewing the innovators in my book and doing extensive research on ten different industries, here’s what we must understand as we move forward: our nation’s students must focus on creating new energy storage solutions. We must move forward and win the materials science race to create more efficient thin film solar solutions. These roll out like a paper towel roll on the roof or wherever….they’re NOT big clunky, resource-intensive panels. We must win the innovation race and invent the world’s future energy solutions. We must NOT waste time lamenting that China is manufacturing commoditized solar panels.

I am deeply grateful to Mauricio and the board of the D.C. NSHMBA chapter for the opportunity to participate in this ground-breaking panel. If you are a student interested in sustainable business practices, entrepreneurship and in learning who is creating new green jobs in the new economy, please contact me to arrange for me to present to your student group or association.

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Latinos Shaping the Green Economy Panel Scheduled for Tuesday Night at Washington D.C. Business School

Thanks to a new connection made at a special Friday night gala in Washington D.C., we were able to get a news release out quickly today about the panel discussion I’ll be moderating in Washington D.C. Tuesday evening. Check it out here.

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